Gardening in Canada, eh?
There’s nothing but snow and slush in the garden and I’m going crazy, cooped
up, poring over old seed catalogues. I briefly considered opening a sanctuary
for abandoned poinsettias, but I’ve seen quite enough of them this past month.

In this consumer culture, we
are encouraged, even, dare I say it, conditioned to go for the new and
exciting, except the object of our desire only remains something that no one
else has for a very short time. Before you know it, it's ubiquitous.
When Joel Roberts Poinsett
returned from Mexico in 1828 with Euphorbia pulcherrima and plunked it on his
dining room table, I imagine all his dinner guests said, Wow, Joel, that is so
cool, man. Where can I get me one? That's why, for the last month, poinsettias
have been disrupting dinner table conversation in every home in the country.

I like to see familiar plants
thriving, yet I'm always keen to find something different, rare, or difficult
to grow. I'll often grow something out of pure curiosity.
Rare doesn't necessarily mean
hard to grow or difficult to propagate. It could be a newly discovered plant, a
new hybrid, or one that's been neglected, almost forgotten until rediscovered
and reintroduced, sometimes with a new name. For instance, I saw Maltese Cross
(Lychnis chalcedonica) listed in an online catalogue as "New". New? It's been
growing in my garden since at least 1992 and elsewhere forever.
I guess nothing sells better
than new and improved, and if it's new to you, it probably doesn't matter,
especially when you consider there are three or four hundred thousand plant
species to work your way through.

Many new and even improved
plants will appear this spring. I’m afraid I don’t need another waving petunia,
or a new variety that's a slightly more intense pink than one introduced last
year, but as the old familiars sprout in my garden for the umpteenth time, I’ll
be out there planting something rare or unique. I'll also be wearing my ancient but comfortable, one of a kind gardening coat, the one no one else could possibly desire.
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