Don’t forget the cranberry sauce. It’s absolutely essential
with turkey and, like the turkey, cranberries are native to North
America . It’s not surprising then they go so well together.
In fact, if I had to eat one without the other, it would be the cranberry
Cranberries were an important staple for Native Americans, who used
the berries mixed with grains, meat, and animal fat to produce cakes of pemmican,
traditional travelling food. Aboriginal people shared their turkeys with the first pilgrims, but I don’t know if there was cranberry sauce on hand.

Commercial growers take advantage of ideal conditions in the
Muskoka region of Ontario where the soil is sandy and moist with layers of peat, which
makes it acidic. My soil, like most around the here, is clay with a pH value
that is neutral to alkaline. Cranberry grows as a sprawling vine and needs
little pruning. Once planted, they rarely need replacing and continue to
produce berries providing the flowers are pollinated, primarily by honey bees.
Thanks to popular photographs showing lakes covered with
berries, it’s understandable that many believe they are grown in water, or
cranberry paddies, I suppose. Not so. The photos are taken during harvesting
when the fields are purposely flooded. A small air pocket inside each berry
causes it to pop to the water surface when shaken from the stem. The shaking,
or raking, once done by hand with special rakes, is now accomplished by
machines that gently comb the vines releasing the berries. They are then corralled
and it’s off to the processor.
Unless you have a suitable boggy area in your garden, the
only alternative is to grow them in a large container. The turkey sauce cranberry is Vaccinium
macrocarpon, not to be confused with the Highbush cranberry (Viburnam
trilobum), better known as viburnum, the spring flowering shrub. It also
produces fruit which, like the true cranberry, can be used to make wines,
sauces, and jellies.
Although these plants are not related, growing conditions
are much the same. The viburnum is also extremely winter hardy, as it should
be, being a native Canadian. It’s the ideal shrub for shady, moist places
alongside a stream or in a boggy river bottom, where moist soil ensures it
grows well as its shallow roots make it susceptible to drought.
Planting the right plant in the right place is the key to
success in gardening. To help the gardener in your life and take care of that
last minute gift, consider The Toronto Gardener’s Journal by Margaret Bennet-Alder.
This is the twenty-fourth year Margaret has produced this very useful source of
information for gardeners in the Golden Horseshoe. Now, let me at that leftover turkey
— AND the cranberry sauce, please.
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