These are the planning days, planning for the season ahead, but my planning is limited to a few new plants and shifting old ones around. My current garden has been established for almost thirty years and didn’t
have much planning in the first place days, more a case of adaptation as requirements
changed. The front yard received more consideration, but the back had to evolve
somewhat on its own as it passed through a number of unavoidable stages.

The flowerbeds expanded drastically, trees grew, many shrubs
and perennials were tried and died over the years. I made many mistakes, but
most things have worked out, despite deviations due to the eccentricities of
the head gardener, and more than anything, it brought me a lot of joy in the
process. Certainly, had I planned it more directly, it would probably look like
a different garden, but then any blank space can be designed in a million
different ways to create a garden.
If you are in the early stages of developing a garden,
either by design, evolution, or adaptation, there are a few things that are
best considered that will prove helpful, and at the same time will avoid costly or annoying errors, especially with
trees and shrubs.
Choosing the right one for the right location is essential. I
have one tree that could have been better placed, and although it's not
entirely without merit, I could do without it, but any change now would require drastic action, as in
a chainsaw and shrieks of dismay from bystanders.

Apart from felling, trees and large shrubs are like heavy furniture that isn’t
easily moved, and unlike a couch they improve with age, making them even harder
to part with. And they grow, slowly maybe, but a small suburban yard isn’t the
place for a monster maple. Too often, trees are planted much too close to the
house where they can interfere with drainage or even cause structural damage,
so before planting any tree, seriously consider the location and potential size of that skinny sapling in the pot. For a large tree, four or five meters from a
building is a good guideline.

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