Except, what if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the sight of a
naked yard that reminds you of your worst vacation photo. As long as the place
was covered in snow it was easy to avoid, but now there it is, an empty lot
covered in scruffy, boring grass, glaring at you. It won’t go away. It will
demand attention until winter returns, but what will it provide in return? — Not
much more than another record breaking water bill.
You know that’s not what you want; you want a beautifully
landscaped yard, always did, but never got around to it. Where to start, what
plants to purchase, where to place them? Maybe you attended one of the garden
shows and came home filled with inspiration, but you still feel intimidated by
the whole process.
No, take a deep breath, relax, and understand that
landscaping your yard can be a slow, enjoyable process. This is an opportunity to discover your creative nature, and
don’t ever think you don’t have one. Constructing an attractive garden may well
surprise you.
Will there be work? — Yes, lots, but garden work is not the
same kind of work as the mind numbing, soul destroying, and stress inducing toil
that can fill your day from nine to five. In fact, it’s the complete antidote
to that kind of work; it’s exercise in disguise. Garden work can invigorate and
restore the body, and also the soul.

So what’s stopping
you? Oh yes, a plan. It’s probably a good idea to have a plan, otherwise you
may make mistakes, and that will mean more work, and then you'll be stuck with a toned and perfect body and
a blissful smile.