Regular readers know of my difficulty accepting the poinsettia as a plant, even though it is one, yet each year at this time I feel compelled to provide a little information that, if nothing else, might help keep everyone’s favourite centerpiece alive long enough to contribute to the spirit of the season.
I wrote last December of how I felt I’d come to grips with my phobia, of how I’d turned a corner, learned at last to accept the omnipresence of poinsettias, but by Boxing Day my usual disaffection had returned.
I just can’t help it. I mean, who else has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal in an article glorifying the plant’s qualities as someone with an opposing opinion?

It’s not that I don’t enjoy everything else about Christmas. The joy, the goodwill to all, and especially my mother-in-law’s mince pies, but I just can’t bring myself to embrace the poinsettia. It isn’t easy.
Just last weekend I was at a Christmas dance and had to leave the dance floor in a hurry when the DJ began awarding you know what as spot prizes.
I have a duty here, so despite any misgivings on my part, and the fact that at
this very moment there is a poinsettia within arms reach of practically every
person on this continent, here is everything you need to know to keep them
looking happy and healthy, at least until Boxing Day.
remove the garish foil from around the pot or at least poke holes in the bottom
and set the pot on a saucer otherwise excess water can rot the roots. Locate in
a sunny window, but not against the glass. Maintain at a daytime temperature of
18 to 21C and if possible move to a cooler place at night, but no cooler than
15C, again to avoid root rot. Water well when the surface is dry to the touch. Poinsettias don’t tolerate drafts so keep them
away from air registers and doorways.
of red and leaves of green . . . take em away, they shouldn’t be seen — not bad.
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