It’s impossible to avoid them. Chrysanthemums
are ubiquitous to the point I try to avoid them. I don’t have a single one in
my garden. It is a mum free zone, except for the better half. I don’t mind them,
but I can view mums any time. One trip to the grocery store, two minutes staring
at their glowing heads and I'm mummed out, but I’ll admit they do look a lot
better than bags of softener salt.
Regardless, however nebulous the connection
with gardening might be, I have a responsibility to provide advice on the care
of mums. Here it is: Simply place them in a sunny spot — or shady, and water
them regularly until it’s time to replace them with pumpkins.
If you’re beginning to get the feeling that
it would be a better idea if they grew in your garden as fall blooming perennials, there is no reason this can’t be so, but not with the ones that
you buy at the grocery store. Okay, maybe, just maybe, depending on the quality
of the plant, the time of planting, and winter weather, it might just be possible
to have one survive and flower again in your garden. I've done it, but the odds
of success are slim. Alternatively you could try wintering the pot over in a
cool, non-freezing location such as an insulated garage or porch. Cut back the
foliage as it dies down then keep the soil barely moist until spring. If it
survives and shows new growth, plant it out in the garden.
The answer is to plant mums in spring.
They’re available at most garden centres but guess what — they’re often ignored
because they don’t have flowers. Few people think about mums in spring,
probably because they don’t look anything like the glorious monsters that are
presently reigning over every front porch in the city.
But buy and plant them in spring and you’ll
have the pleasure of watching them grow. They won’t need much care — a sunny
location in reasonable soil, regular watering, and they’ll grow well. For best
blooming, they can be pinched or pruned back up until July to create a bushier
plant with more blooms for fall. Mulch around the plant in late fall and
they’ll be with you for years.
Think of the anticipation as the plant sprouts
new leaves in spring and those little buds begin to form. Imagine the pleasure
when the first one opens. That’s gardening, not decorating.
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