as I was pottering and singing, and feeling mellow, it occurred to me that
although yellow might be mellow, it sure isn’t when you discover the leaves on
a plant have turned that colour overnight. One day they’re a lovely, rich green
then one sleep later the jaundice has set in. That’s when the singing stops. In
my case it was the lower leaves on a tomato plant in a container on the deck
that were fading fast, but why?
had moved the container the day before and may inadvertently have caused
physical damage, but a close examination didn’t reveal any broken stems. Had it
only been the odd leaf, I wouldn’t have been concerned, but something was obviously
wrong. Yellowing leaves, also known as chlorosis, is a symptom of trouble on
any plant, but what was the reason?
far as tomatoes go, it could be a viral, fungal, or bacterial disease; insect
damage, lack of nutrients, lack of water, too much water, sunburn, or possibly,
though perhaps not likely, deep rooted psychological problems. The list of
possible reasons is so long it really needs a House (popular show) in the garden
when it comes to diagnosing a specific cause.
tomatoes in my raised beds were doing fine; it was just the one container plant
that was suffering. I checked over and under the leaves for insects or insect
eggs and found nothing, and besides, the problem was spreading upwards from the
lower leaves, which made insects the less likely culprit. There were no spots, irregular
markings or leaf curling to indicate a disease, so that left an environmental
or nutritional reason. I doubted the latter as the plant was in good soil, the
same soil as other plants, none of which were suffering.
was it environmental, specifically the weather, more specifically rain, and
lots of it? I’ve been rejoicing in the regular rainfalls we’ve had this spring,
but too much and trouble can arise here and there, particularly where there’s
poor drainage.

isn’t easy to diagnose plant problems. If an insect pest is the culprit, they’re
usually a little easier to spot, but diseases and ailments caused by
nutritional deficiencies are harder to identify. As in humans, prevention is
the best policy when it comes to good health. Think of plants as people. Give
them a healthy balanced diet, sufficient clean water, and plenty of fresh air. Exercise
is essential too, but don’t force a workout on your plants, just spend some
mellow time with them.
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